Musical YouthBuy This Song

Pass The Dutchieについて
「Pass the Dutchie」は、キングストン出身のToney OwensとイギリスのジャマイカのレゲエバンドMusical Youthがプロデュースした曲です。 彼らのデビュー・スタジオ・アルバム「The Youth of Today」(1982年)に収録されています。 このレゲエソングは、イギリスのシングルチャートで1位を獲得する大ヒットとなりました。 イギリス以外では、アメリカのチャートでトップ10以内に入り、全世界で500万枚以上の売り上げを記録しました。
Year: 1994 410 Views Playlists:
This generationRules the nationWith versionMusic happen to be the food of loveSounds to really make you rub and scrubI sayPass the dutchie 'pon the left hand side (I say)Pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand sideIt a go bun, give me music, make me jump and pranceIt a go dung, give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance (Jah know!)It was a cool and lonely breezy afternoon(How does it feel when you got no food?)You could feel it 'cause it was the month of June(How does it feel when you got no food?)So I left my gate and went out for a walk(How does it feel when you got no food?)As I pass the dreadlocks' camp I heard them say(How does it feel when you got no food?)Pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand side (I say)Pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand sideIt a go bun, give me music, make me jump and pranceIt a go dung, give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance (Jah know!)So I stopped to find out what was going on(How does it feel when you got no food?)'Cause the spirit of Jah, you know he leads you on(How does it feel when you got no food?)There was a ring of dreads and a session was there in swing(How does it feel when you got no food?)You could feel the chill as I seen and heard them say(How does it feel when you got no food?)Pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand side (I say)Pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand sideIt a go bun, give me music, make me jump and pranceIt a go dung, give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance (Jah know!)'Cause me say listen to the drummer, me say listen to the bassGive me little music make me wind up me waistMe say listen to the drummer, me say listen to the bassGive me little music make me wind up me waist, I sayPass the dutchie 'pon the left hand side (I say)Pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand sideIt a go bun, give me music, make me jump and pranceIt a go dung, give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance (Jah know!)You play it on the radioAnd so me say, we a go hear it on the stereoAnd so me know you a go play it on the discoAnd so me say we a go hear it on the stereo (bow!)Pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand side (I say)Pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand sideIt a go bun, give me music, make me jump and pranceIt a go dung, give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance (Jah know!)On the left hand side (I say)On the left hand side (I say)On the left hand side(We meet) On the left hand side (say man)On the left hand sideMe say east, say west, say north and south (on the left hand side)This is gonna really make us jump and shout (on the left hand side)Me say east, say west, say north and south (on the left hand side)
簡単に、早く、& 楽しく歌い方を学べる方法です。 30DaySinger.com
Musical Youth
Musical Youthは、イギリスのレゲエバンドです。 1982年にリリースされたシングル「Pass the Dutchie」が世界中で1位を獲得したことで知られています。 バンドは2枚のスタジオアルバムを録音し、1982年から1983年にかけて、ダナ・サマーとのコラボレーションを含む数多くのシングルをリリースして成功を収めました。 ミュージカル・ユースはグラミー賞にもノミネートされましたが、個人的な問題が重なり、1985年に解散しました。
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