What authoritarianism is … and is not:∗ a practice perspective


Dahlはこれらを「多政」の条件とし、現実には実現しそうにない、はるかに厳しい理想を指す言葉として「民主主義」を用いています。 Robert Dahl, Polyarchy: participation and opposition (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1971), p. 3.


Jason Brownlee, ‘Authoritarianism after 1989’, Harvard International Review 31: 4, 2010, p. 47. 47.


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Cheibub et al, ‘Democracy and dictatorship’, p. 71.


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この点では、民主主義がデモスの声を聞くことや集団的な選好が実現されることと関係があるという考えを明確に排除したシュンペーターや、民主主義を社会的な対立を規制するための非暴力的な手続きを構成するものと理解しているプレヴォルスキからも逸脱しています。 Adam Przeworksi, ‘Minimalist conception of democracy: a defense’, in Ian Shapiro and Casiano Hacker-Cordon, eds, Democracy’s value (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp.23-55.


See e.g. Colin Hay, Why we hate politics (Cambridge: Polity, 2007); Pippa Norris, Democratic deficit: Critical citizens revisited (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011); Russell Dalton, Citizen politics: Public Opinion and political parties in advanced industrial democracies (Washington DC: CQ Press, 2013).


Francesco Cavatorta, ‘The convergence of governance: upgrading authoritarianism in the Arab world and downgrading democracy elsewhere?’, Middle East Critique 19: 3, 2010, pp.217-32; Andrea Teti and Andrea Mura, ‘Convergent (il)Liberalism in the Mediterranean? Some notes on Egyptian (post-)authoritarianism and Italian (post-)democracy’, European Urban and Regional Studies 20: 1, 2013, pp.120-27.


Schmitter and Karl, ‘What democracy is … and is not’, p. 76.


Schmitter and Karl, ‘What democracy is … and is not’, p. 76. 76.


Philippe Schmitter, ‘The ambiguous virtues of accountability’, Journal of Democracy 15: 4, 2004, p. 59 n.1.


アンヌ・マリー・シュウプ(Anne Marie Choup), ‘Changing norms of accountability: Opportunities for democratic change’, Politics 30: 3, 2010, pp. 160-67; Edmund Malesky and Paul Schuler, ‘Nodding or needling: analyzing delegate responsiveness in an authoritarian parliament’, American Political Science Review 104: 3, 2000, pp.482-502; Lily Tsai, Accountability without democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007).


以下のようなものがある。 Jan Aart Scholte, ‘Civil society and the legitimation of global governance’, Journal of Civil Society 3: 3, 2007, pp.305-26; Marlies Glasius, ‘Does the involvement of global civil society make international decision-making more democratic? 43-60; Adrienne Héritier and Dirk Lehmkuhl, ‘New modes of governance and democratic accountability’, Government and Opposition 46: 1, 2011, pp.126-44; Matthias Koenig-Archibugi and Kate Macdonald, ‘Accountability-by-proxy in transnational non-state governance’, Governance 26:


Harry Eckstein and Ted Gurr, Patterns of authority: a structural basis for comparative inquiry (New York: Wiley, 1975)などがあります。


Robert Dahl, Preface to a democratic theory (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956), pp.2, 48.


David Held, ‘The transformation of political community’, in Robert Dahl, Ian Shapiro and Jose Antonio Cheibub, eds, The democracy sourcebook (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003), p. 519. 519.


Held, ‘The transformation of political community’, p. 521.


例えば以下を参照。 John Ruggie, Constructing the world polity (London: Routledge, 1998); Robert Keohane, Power and governance in a partially globalized world (London: Routledge, 2002); Liesbeth Hooghe and Gary Marks, ‘Unraveling the central state, but how?’, American Political Science Review 97: 2, 2003, pp.233-43; John Dryzek, Deliberative global politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006).


Emanuel Adler and Vincent Pouliot, ‘International practices’, International Theory 3: 1, 2011, p. 5.


Theodore Schatzki, ‘Introduction: practice theory’, in Theodore Schatzki, Karin Knorr Cetina and Eike von Savigny, eds, The practice turn in contemporary theory (London: Routledge, 2001), pp. 15, 14.




H.R.5949-FISA Amendments Act Reauthorization Act of 2012, https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/5949.


Nick Hopkins, ‘UK gathering secret intelligence via covert NSA operation’, Guardian, 7 June 2013; Philip Dorling, ‘Australia gets “deluge” of US secret data, prompting a new data facility’, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 June 2013; Philip Dorling, ‘Snowden revealed Australia’s links to US spy web’, Sydney Morning Herald, 8 July 2013.


Marlies Glasius and Marcus Michaelsen, ‘Illiberal and authoritarian practices in the digital sphere’, International Journal of Communications, 2018 (forcoming), for more extensive discussion of NSA surveillance as a digital practice.


Schatzki, ‘Practice Mind-ed Orders’, in Schatzki et al, eds, The practice turn, p. 61.


一つの例外は、Natalie Koch, ‘Sport and soft authoritarian nation-building’, Political Geography 13, 2013, pp. 42-51.


Rachel Stern and Kevin O’Brien, ‘Politics at the boundary: mixed signals and the Chinese state’, Modern China 38: 2, 2012, p.191.


Dan Slater and Sofia Fenner, ‘State power and staying power: infrastructural mechanism and authoritarian durability’, Journal of International Affairs 65: 1, p. 26. 26.


Steven Heydemann and Reinoud Leenders, eds, Middle East authoritarianisms: Governance, contestation, and regime resilience in Syria and Iran (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013), p. 5.


Mark Bovens, ‘Analysing and assessing accountability: a conceptual framework’, European Law Journal 13: 4, 2007, p.450.


Jennifer Rubenstein, ‘Accountability in an unequal world’, Journal of Politics 69: 3, 2007, pp.620-21 (intensive in original).


Bovens, ‘Analysing and assessing accountability’, pp.




Marcus Michaelsen, ‘Exit and voice in a digital age’, pp. 248-64; Dana Moss, ‘The ties that bind’, pp. 265-82; Nicole Hirt and Abdulkader Saleh Mohamed, ‘By way of patriotism, coercion, or instrumentalization’, pp.232-47, all in the Globalizations 15: 2; また、中央アジア政治亡命者データベース、https://excas.net/exiles/を参照してください。


Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson, Democracy and disagreement (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998), pp.95-127を参照。


Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Committee study of the Central Intelligence Agency’s detention and interrogation program, pp.5-7, 437-54, 462-99.


「トランプよ。 Clinton can’t win Pennsylvania unless there’s cheating’, NBC News, 12 Aug. 2016; Ellen Powell, ‘Fact check: are illegal immigrants being let in the US to vote against Trump?’, Christian Science Monitor, 7 Oct. 主張の背景にある誤った解釈の研究論文については、Maggie Koerth-Baker, ‘The tangled story behind Trump’s false claims of voter fraud’, fivethirtyeight.com, 11 May 2017, https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trump-noncitizen-voters.


Robert Farley, ‘Fact check: Trump sticks with bogus voter fraud claims’, USA Today, 27 Nov. 2016; David Smith and Ben Jacobs, ‘Trump plans “major investigation into voter fraud” amid groundless claims’, Guardian, 25 Jan.


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‘This Week transcript 2-12-17: Stephen Miller, Bob Ferguson, and Rep. Elijah Cummings’, ABC News, 12 Feb. 2017.


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Giorgio Agamben, State of exception (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005); Didier Bigo and Anastassia Tsoukala, eds, Terror, insecurity and liberty: illiberal practices of liberal regimes after 9/11 (Oxford: Routledge, 2008)などを参照してください。 実践アプローチでは、セキュリティ化がこれらの実践の原因なのか、正当化だけなのか、あるいはその両方が同時に行われているのかについては、不可知論的なままです。


本研究は、欧州研究評議会(FP7/2007-2013)のプロジェクト「グローバル時代の権威主義」(http://www.authoritarianism-global.uva.nl/)の支援を受けています。 アムステルダム大学の同僚と、3人の匿名の査読者の方々に、丁寧で心強いコメントをいただいたことに感謝したいと思います。 この論文の前のバージョンは、First IDCAR Network Conference, Hamburg, 17-19 December 2014、International Dimensions of Authoritarian Rule Workshop, June 2015, King’s College London, the Democracy and Democratization research department of the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, 29 June 2015、Authoritarianism from Afar seminar, CERI-Sciences Po, 7 July 2017で発表した。 参考になるコメントをくださった討論者と参加者の皆様に感謝いたします。

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