
“The Oneida Community.”. シラキュース大学図書館協会Courier. Volume XXVIII, Number Two Fall 1993.

Bible Communism: a compilation from the annual report and other publications of the Oneida Association and its branches; presenting, in connection with their history, a summary view of their religious and social theories.

Bible Communism: a compilation from the annual report and other publications of the Oneida Association and its branches; presenting, in with connection with their history, a summary view of their religious and social theories. Brooklyn, NY.

Confessions of John H. Noyes Part I: confession of religious experience: including a history of modern perfectionism. Noyes, John Humphrey. Oneida, NY 1849.

The Days of My Youth (a childhood memoir of life in the Oneida Community), Noyes, Corinna Ackley. この本は最近(2011年)、ニューヨーク州クリントンにあるハミルトン・カレッジ・ライブラリーのリチャード・W・クーパ・プレスから再出版された。

Essay on scientific propagation; with an appendix containing the health report of the Oneida Community, by Theodore R. Noyes. Noyes, John Humphrey.

Oneida, N. Y.

First annual report of the Oneida Association: exhibiting its history, principles, and transactions to Jan.1,
1849. Oneida, NY 1849.

The First Hundred Years. Edmonds, Walter Dumaux. Oneida, NY 1948.

Handbook of the Oneida Community. Wallingford, CT 1867.

History Of The Printing Business Of The O.C. -1875.

John Humphrey Noyes, the Putney Community(ジョン・ハンフリー・ノイズ、パットニー・コミュニティ)。 Noyes, John Humphrey. Oneida, NY, 1931.

Life of John Humphrey Noyes, Volumes, IV – VI, The O.C. Part II. Noyes, George Wallingford , Unpublished Draft.

Male continence. Noyes, John Humphrey. Oneida, NY, 1866.

Male continence: or, self-control in sexual intercourse. 問い合わせの手紙に答えたもの。 Noyes, John Humphrey. New York, 1866.

Old Mansion House Memories. Worden, Harriet M. Kenwood, NY 1950.

Religious Experience of John Humphrey Noyes(ジョン・ハンフリー・ノイズの宗教的経験)。 Noyes, John Humphrey. New York, 1923.

Salvation from sin: the end of Christian faith. Noyes, John Humphrey.Wallingford, CT 1866.

Second annual report of the Oneida Association: Exhibiting its progress to February 20, 1850.


Oneida, NY 1850.

Third annual report of the Oneida Association: Exhibiting its progress to February 20, 1851. Oneida, NY 1851.

History of the Oneida Community(オナイダ・コミュニティの歴史)。 Constance Noyes Robertson. (From: Oneida Community Books, Pamphlets, and Serials: 1834 – 1972. Jack T. Ericson, ed.) Glen Rock, NJ: Microfilming Corporation of America, 1973.

オナイダ・コミュニティのマンション・ハウス。 History Structure Report

The William A. Hinds American Communities Collection by Mark. F. Weimer


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